Biodata Airlangga Hartarto

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Biodata Airlangga Hartarto
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Biodata Airlangga Hartarto
Biodata Airlangga Hartarto
√ Biodata Airlangga Hartarto Agama, Keluarga, Pasangan, Fakta dan from

Who is Airlangga Hartarto?

Airlangga Hartarto is an Indonesian politician and businessman. He was born on November 15, 1962, in Surabaya, East Java. He is currently serving as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs in President Joko Widodo’s cabinet.

Early Life and Education

Airlangga Hartarto comes from a prominent family in East Java. His father, Raden Hartarto, was a successful businessman and politician. Airlangga completed his primary and secondary education in Surabaya before pursuing a degree in economics at the University of Indonesia.

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Political Career

Airlangga Hartarto began his political career in the Golkar Party, one of the largest political parties in Indonesia. He was elected as a member of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) in 2004 and held various positions within the party. In 2016, he was appointed as the Minister of Industry in President Joko Widodo’s cabinet.

Business Ventures

Aside from his political career, Airlangga Hartarto is also involved in various business ventures. He has interests in the automotive, agriculture, and mining sectors. He is known for his business acumen and has been recognized as one of Indonesia’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Family Life

Airlangga Hartarto is married to Hartini Rarasati and they have three children. Despite his busy schedule, he always makes time for his family and is known for being a loving and dedicated husband and father.

Achievements and Awards

Airlangga Hartarto has received numerous awards and recognition for his contributions to the development of Indonesia’s economy. He was named one of Forbes Asia’s Power Businesswomen in 2017 and has been recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.


Airlangga Hartarto is also actively involved in philanthropic activities. He believes in giving back to society and has established several foundations that focus on education and healthcare. He has funded scholarships for underprivileged students and contributed to the development of healthcare facilities in remote areas of Indonesia.


Airlangga Hartarto is a prominent Indonesian politician and businessman who has made significant contributions to the country’s economy. His leadership and business acumen have earned him recognition both in Indonesia and internationally. Despite his success, he remains grounded and committed to serving the people of Indonesia.


The above article is for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on research and does not constitute personal advice or endorsement. Please consult with a professional for any specific needs or concerns you may have.

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